
Quinoa and pomegranate salad

Yield: 6  Servings

* 1  Cup  cooked  quinoa
* 1  Handful  of  mixed  leaves: Parsley, dill  and  coriander
* 1/4  Cup  chopped  mint  leaves
* 2  Stalks  of  scallion, or  4  stalks  of  chives, chopped
* 1/4  Purple  onion, chopped
* A  handful  of  natural  nuts, chopped
* Pomegranate  seeds  separated  from  1  pomegranate
* Lemon  juice  from  1/2  lemon
* Salt/pepper
* 1  Tbsp.  olive  oil

1. Cook  the  quinoa  and  set  aside.
2. In  a  separate  bowl, mix  the  leaves, scallion, purple  onion, nuts  and  pomegranate  seeds.
3. Add  the  lemon  juice, salt, pepper  and  olive  oil.
4. Mix  everything  together.
5. Taste  and  fix  the  seasoning  as  needed – and  serve.

Bon  appetite!

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